Travis Property Tax Guide

If you own property in Travis County, understanding the local property tax policies is critically important. This quick guide provides essential information on property tax assessment procedures and tips for taking advantage of the county's available exemptions.

Key Property Tax Deadlines in Travis County

  • Important Tax Payment Dates 
    • November 30, 2023 - Initial half-payment deadline for 2023. 
    • January 31, 2024 - Final day for settling 2023 tax dues without added charges. (If there is a pending lawsuit from previous years, legal fees are appended to the 2023 tax statement on February 1, 2024.) 
    • March 31, 2024 - Last day to settle 2023 commercial personal property taxes before incurring legal charges. 
    • May 15, 2024 - Last day to property tax protests with Travis Central appraised district. you can file your protest online
    • June 30, 2024 - Deadline for second half payment. The last opportunity to arrange payments for overdue 2023 taxes to circumvent legal charges is on July 2, 2024.

Note: If the date falls on a weekend, it extends to the subsequent working day.

  • Quarterly Payment Schedule
    • Initial Payment by: January 31, 2024; 
    • Second Payment by: March 31, 2024; 
    • Third Payment by: May 31, 2024; 
    • Fourth Payment by: July 31, 2024.

Note: In case the date falls on a weekend, it’s extended to the immediate next working day.

  • Quarterly Installments:
    • A delay in any quarterly installment results in an initial 6% charge for the first month, coupled with 1% monthly interest until the balance is cleared.
    • Remember, participation in the Quarterly Installment Plan in February comes with an added 7% charge. See Travis's penalty and interest chart.

Source: Travis County Tax Office Website

The Property Taxation Process in Travis County: Step-by-Stepseveral 

  • Assessment: In Travis County, property values are assessed based on several factors, including the home's location, the condition of the property, and comparable property values in the surrounding area.
  • Notification: Travis County taxpayers will be notified of their property tax amount by mail. This notification should arrive around October 1st
  • Payment: Homeowners can pay their property tax bills online, by mail, or in person at designated locations.
  • Delinquency: If taxes are not paid on time, before the deadline of January 31st, penalties will begin to accrue, which can lead to more serious legal consequences.

Homestead Exemption in Travis County: Definition and Availability

  1. Introduction & Benefits: Applying for a homestead exemption can significantly lower the taxable value of your property, potentially saving thousands of dollars in property taxes each year.
  2. Qualification Criteria: The property in question must be the primary residence that you are occupying as of January 1. You may not claim any other property as your homestead, it must be less than 20 acres, and may not be used for agricultural or commercial purposes.
  3. Application Process: The Travis County Appraisal District will assign homeowners an ID and PIN to use in their application for a homestead exemption.  You can visit the Appraisal District website to complete and submit the application form.

Tips for Travis County Homeowners

  1. Maximizing Savings: Explore all possible exemptions for your property and ensure that its value has been assessed accurately.
  2. Staying Informed: Subscribe to updates from the Travis County Appraisal District and dig into their website for detailed information on current property tax policies and deadlines.
  3. Seeking Assistance: If you're feeling unsure about any step of this process, don't hesitate to reach out to local resources or tax experts, like the professional team at Bezit.

Travis County Property Tax FAQ

  • What is property tax in Travis County? 
    • Property taxes are an annual tax levied on homeowners based on their assessed property value and other factors; the collected taxes are used to fund local initiatives and services.  
  • How is my property assessed for tax purposes in Travis County? 
    • The Travis County Appraisal District determines the value of the property based on location, unique property attributes, and the assessed values of comparable properties.
  • How do homestead exemptions work in Travis County?
    • Successfully applying for a homestead exemption in Travis County will lower the taxable value of your property, potentially saving up to 20% on your property taxes. You can apply for a homestead exemption here.
  • Who qualifies for a homestead exemption in Travis County? 
    • Individuals who reside in their property as of January 1 in the tax year, do not claim any other homestead exemptions, own or lease a property under 20 acres, and are not using the space for commercial or agricultural purposes.
  • How do I apply for a homestead exemption in Travis County?
    • Obtain and submit your application to the Travis County Appraisal District before the deadline.
  • How much does it cost to apply for a homestead exemption in Travis County? 
    • There is no cost for a homestead exemption application.
  • If my house is valued at $500K in Travis County, how much would a homestead exemption save on property taxes? 
    • A residence homestead exemption in Travis County can reduce the taxable value of your property by up to 20%, potentially saving you 20% on your tax bill.
  • Where can I learn more or get help with my property taxes in Travis County? 
    • For a more in-depth analysis of your tax situation or exemption opportunities, speak with local representatives at the Travis County Appraisal District, or engage a professional tax service, such as Bezit.